## Description
This architecture allows you to create a simple virtual machine with its network interface, subnet and VPC in the region of your preference.
Just make sure you are choosing the right AMI image when you change the region.
- The Terraform code is automatically generated with best practices and contains variables that you can customize to fir your needs.
- You have full control to change, add, delete resources or their configuration. The newly generated code will reflect these changes.
- You can replace some resources with Terraform modules.
> terraform apply status: successful
## Architecture components
Here are all the components of this architecture:
- Subnets
- EC2 instance
- Network interface
## Requirements
| Name | Configuration |
| --- | --- |
| Terraform | all versions |
| Provider | AWS |
| Provider version | >= 5.52.0 |
| Access | Admin access |
## How to use the architecture
Clone the architecture and modify the following variables according to your needs:
| Variable | Description |
| --- | --- |
| tags | Tags that are added to all resources |
| ami | The AMI of the EC2 instance |
- Feel free to remove the resources that are not relevant to your use-case.
- Some variables have default values, please change it if it doesn't fit your deployment.
## Maintainers
You can reach out to these maintainers if you need help or assistance:
- [Brainboard team](mailto:support@brainboard.co)